
Smooks tools – Generate GUIs for attributes of EMF model


In the early version , the Smooks configuration editor is a multipe-page editor. Except a Text page , the other page is a Form page base on Master-Details editor , we call it “Design Page”.

Smooks tools use the EMF to create the related EMF model via the XSD files come from Smooks , all of them put in the org.jboss.tools.smooks.core plug-in project.

This is the “Design Page” :


On the left-side , there is a TreeViewer , right-side panel displays the GUIs.

The input models for the left-side TreeViewer are the EMF models what are loaded from the Smooks configuration file by EMF Resource , all of the tree nodes are EMF model ( or the warp model provide by emf.edit) , the right-side panel show the GUIs for the attributes of EMF model which is selected on.

The guys who are familiar with the Eclipse plguin development should know that if we developed the Master-Details type FromPage , we need to regist the model type and the GUI class related to the mode , so when the selection changed from the Master , the Details will get the GUI via the new model type and re-create the GUI.

Although the Smooks configuration editor use the Master-Details , it didn’t regist the different GUI for every different model , it regist the GUI like this :

detailsPart.registerPage(EObject.class, new SmooksStuffPropertyDetailPage((SmooksMultiFormEditor) this.formEditor));

It use the EObject as the model type , it means that , when the left-side TreeViewer fire the “selection change event” , the Details page can only the same GUI instance evenrytime , and this GUI class is : org.jboss.tools.smooks.configuration.editors.SmooksStuffPropertyDetailPage

But it dosen’t mean that the Details page can’t show the different GUI for different model. Details page has a “selectionChange” method , this method will be called when the selection was changed in Master page.

This is the implemention for the method of SmooksStuffPropertyDetailPage :

public void selectionChanged(IFormPart part, ISelection selection) {
    Object oldModel = getModel();
    this.itemPropertySource = (IItemPropertySource) editingDomain.getAdapterFactory().adapt(getModel(),
    if (getOldModel() != getModel()) {
        if (propertyComposite != null) {
            propertyComposite.dispose(); // remove the old properties’ GUI
            propertyComposite = new Composite(propertyMainComposite, SWT.NONE);
        createStuffDetailsComposite(propertyComposite); // recreate the GUI for new model

We can know that from the codes : When the model selection was changed , if it’s a new model (different with the current model) , the Composite which displayed the GUIs for the model attributes will be disposed , and then create a new Composite instance and create new attributes GUI via the new model.

How to create attributes GUI via EMF model

We know that , emf.edit can generate a ******ItemProvider for each EMF model , and generate a ******ItemProviderFactory to manage those ItemProvider.

The ItemProvider has many functions , it implements many interface for common GUI display , such as : IItemLabelProvider (ILabelProvider) , IITreeItemContentProvider ( IStructuredContentProvider) , IItemPropertySource ( PropertySource). One of them , the IItemPropertySource can get the attributes’ informations from the EMF model.

When initialize the Smooks configuration editor , I create an “AdapterFactoryEditingDomain” , and registe those ProviderFactory into this EditingDomain , so the ItemProvider can be get from the EditingDomain : ( in the AbstractSmooksFormEditor , line 223)

protected void initEditingDomain() {
    adapterFactory = new ComposedAdapterFactory(ComposedAdapterFactory.Descriptor.Registry.INSTANCE);
    // add smooks 1.1.2 EMF item provider
    adapterFactory.addAdapterFactory(new ResourceItemProviderAdapterFactory());
    // add smooks 1.2 EMF item provider
    adapterFactory.addAdapterFactory(new Json12ItemProviderAdapterFactory());
    BasicCommandStack commandStack = new BasicCommandStack();
    editingDomain = new AdapterFactoryEditingDomain(adapterFactory, commandStack, new HashMap<Resource, Boolean>());

SmooksStuffPropertyDetailPage just use the ItemPropertySource to get the Descriptor of each property, and use those Descriptors to generate the related GUIs.

There are two ways for generating Properties’ GUI:

1. Generate the default Property GUI. This way will create a default GUI for each property.

2. Generate the Property GUI by PropertyUICreator. Use the PropertyUICreator to generate the properties’ GUI , if it generate NULL for the properties , SmooksStuffPropertyDetailPage will use the first way to generate the GUI again.

What’s the PropertyUICreator?

PropertyUICreator is a interface : org.jboss.tools.smooks.configuration.editors.IPropertyUICreator , If implement the interface and registe the mode type and the related PropertyUICreator instance into the PropertyUICreatorManager , SmooksStuffPropertyDetailPage can get the IPropertyUICreator instance via each type model.

Let’s return to the codes , there is a method : “createStuffDetailsComposite” in the SmooksStuffPropertyDetailPage :

protected void createStuffDetailsComposite(Composite detailsComposite) {
    try {

        // Get the PropertyUICreator instance
        IPropertyUICreator creator = PropertyUICreatorManager.getInstance().getPropertyUICreator(getModel());
        // Get the Property Descriptor from IItemPropertySource instance.
        List<IItemPropertyDescriptor> propertyDes = itemPropertySource.getPropertyDescriptors(getModel());
        if (creator != null) {
            // Create the Property Extention-GUI via PropertyUICreator

        for (int i = 0; i < propertyDes.size(); i++) {
            IItemPropertyDescriptor pd = propertyDes.get(i);
            EAttribute attribute = (EAttribute) pd.getFeature(getModel());
            if (attribute.isRequired()) {
                // Create the required attribute GUI first
                AttributeFieldEditPart editPart = createAttributeUI(detailsComposite, pd, creator);
        for (int i = 0; i < propertyDes.size(); i++) {
            IItemPropertyDescriptor pd = propertyDes.get(i);
            EAttribute attribute = (EAttribute) pd.getFeature(getModel());
            if (!attribute.isRequired()) {
                // Create the un-required attribute GUI
                AttributeFieldEditPart editPart = createAttributeUI(detailsComposite, pd, creator);
        if (creator != null) {
            // Create attribute GUI via PropertyUICreator
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // ignore


If the codes is hard to understand , maybe the flow diagram can help you :



Generate GUI via PropertyDescriptor

There is a method in SmooksStuffPropertyDetailPage , its duty is generate the GUI via IPropertyDescriptor instance.

protected AttributeFieldEditPart createAttributeUI(Composite detailsComposite,
        IItemPropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor, IPropertyUICreator creator) {
    final IItemPropertyDescriptor itemPropertyDescriptor = propertyDescriptor;
    EAttribute feature = (EAttribute) itemPropertyDescriptor.getFeature(getModel());
    AttributeFieldEditPart editPart = null;
    if (createDefault) {
        EClassifier typeClazz = feature.getEType();
        boolean hasCreated = false;
        if (typeClazz instanceof EEnum) {
        if (typeClazz.getInstanceClass() == String.class) {

    return editPart;

It’s not hard to see , get the Class type and generate different GUI with this type. In the SmooksUIUtils class , we can see how to generate the GUI.

When generate the GUI , SmooksUIUtils will add a Listener for the GUI control to monitor the modification of GUI controls , when the GUI control was modified , the properties’ value will be change.

Let’s look a fragment of SmooksUIUtils : (from line 945:)

     if (itemPropertyDescriptor != null) {
            // add modify listener to the ValueText control
            valueText.addModifyListener(new ModifyListener() {
                public void modifyText(ModifyEvent e) {
                    // Get the value of this property
                    Object editValue = getEditValue(itemPropertyDescriptor, fm);
                    if (editValue != null) {
                        String vt = valueText.getText();
                        if (vt == null || vt.length() == 0) {
                            // if the text is null , un-set the property value.
                            itemPropertyDescriptor.setPropertyValue(fm, null);
                        } else {
                            // set the new value to this property
                            if (!editValue.equals(vt)) {
                                itemPropertyDescriptor.setPropertyValue(fm, vt);
                    } else {
                        // set the new value to this property
                        itemPropertyDescriptor.setPropertyValue(fm, valueText.getText());



Actually , I copy the codes which generate the property GUI form the SmooksStuffPropertyDetailPage and create a new Class : ModelPanelCreator. So I can generate the EMF model attributes’ GUI everywhere.

Those class use the ModelPanelCreator:




Smooks tools – 通过EMF模型生成其属性GUI


Smooks configuration editor 在早期的版本是一个具有2个页面的多页编辑器。除了其中一个文本页,另外一个页面是一个基于Master-Details的编辑器,称为Design Page。

Smooks configuration editor 是利用EMF,通过Smooks所定义的配置文件的XSD创建对应的EMF模型,所有的EMF模型相关代码都放在了org.jboss.tools.smooks.core 插件项目中。




而左侧TreeViewer的输入模型正是通过EMF Resource读取Smooks配置文件后得到的EMF模型,其中所有的节点都是EMF模型(或者被emf.edit包装过的模型),右侧的Details界面显示了被选中EMF模型的属性。


Smooks configuration editor 虽然也是使用Master-Details,但它并没有为每一个模型注册对应的GUI页面,而是用这些模型的共同的父类:EObject作为模型类型进行注册,这意味着,每当左侧TreeViewer发生了SelectionChange后,Details页面每次都只能从注册的页面中得到同一个GUI对象,这个GUI对象就是:org.jboss.tools.smooks.configuration.editors.SmooksStuffPropertyDetailPage


public void selectionChanged(IFormPart part, ISelection selection) {
    Object oldModel = getModel();
    this.itemPropertySource = (IItemPropertySource) editingDomain.getAdapterFactory().adapt(getModel(),
    if (getOldModel() != getModel()) {
        if (propertyComposite != null) {
            propertyComposite.dispose(); // remove the old properties’ GUI
            propertyComposite = new Composite(propertyMainComposite, SWT.NONE);
        createStuffDetailsComposite(propertyComposite); // recreate the GUI for new model




这些ItemProvider具有很多功能,它实现了很多常见的为GUI显示准备的接口,比如:IItemLabelProvider, ITreeItemContentProvider , IItemPropertySource。其中IItemPropertySource正是获取模型属性的接口。

Smooks configuration editor在初始化的时候,创建了AdapterFactoryEditingDomain,并把这些ProviderFactory注册到这个EditingDomain中,这样一来,就可以通过EditingDomain获得对应的XXXItemProvider。



1. 创建默认的Property GUI。这种方法会为每一个对应的属性模型创建出默认的GUI。

2. 使用注册好的PropertyUICreator创建。通过PropertyUICreator来创建出属性的GUI,如果Creator所创建出的GUI为NULL,SmooksStuffPropertyDetailPage会通过第一种方法创建出GUI来。



protected void createStuffDetailsComposite(Composite detailsComposite) {
    try {

        // Get the PropertyUICreator instance
        IPropertyUICreator creator = PropertyUICreatorManager.getInstance().getPropertyUICreator(getModel());
        // Get the Property Descriptor from IItemPropertySource instance.
        List<IItemPropertyDescriptor> propertyDes = itemPropertySource.getPropertyDescriptors(getModel());
        if (creator != null) {
            // Create the Property Extention-GUI via PropertyUICreator

        for (int i = 0; i < propertyDes.size(); i++) {
            IItemPropertyDescriptor pd = propertyDes.get(i);
            EAttribute attribute = (EAttribute) pd.getFeature(getModel());
            if (attribute.isRequired()) {
                // Create the required attribute GUI first
                AttributeFieldEditPart editPart = createAttributeUI(detailsComposite, pd, creator);
        for (int i = 0; i < propertyDes.size(); i++) {
            IItemPropertyDescriptor pd = propertyDes.get(i);
            EAttribute attribute = (EAttribute) pd.getFeature(getModel());
            if (!attribute.isRequired()) {
                // Create the un-required attribute GUI
                AttributeFieldEditPart editPart = createAttributeUI(detailsComposite, pd, creator);
        if (creator != null) {
            // Create attribute GUI via PropertyUICreator
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // ignore







protected AttributeFieldEditPart createAttributeUI(Composite detailsComposite,
        IItemPropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor, IPropertyUICreator creator) {
    final IItemPropertyDescriptor itemPropertyDescriptor = propertyDescriptor;
    EAttribute feature = (EAttribute) itemPropertyDescriptor.getFeature(getModel());
    AttributeFieldEditPart editPart = null;
    if (createDefault) {
        EClassifier typeClazz = feature.getEType();
        boolean hasCreated = false;
        if (typeClazz instanceof EEnum) {
        if (typeClazz.getInstanceClass() == String.class) {

    return editPart;

不难看出,根据输入Property的Class类型,创建出不同的GUI。而创建这些对应GUI的具体实现,是在 SmooksUIUtils中实现的。

值得一提的是,所创建出来的GUI,都会自动添加监听器,去监听GUI的变化(比如,文本框的变化),然后根据变化将值回写到Property中,我们看SmooksUIUtils中一个代码片段 (from line 945 ) :

     if (itemPropertyDescriptor != null) {
            // add modify listener to the ValueText control
            valueText.addModifyListener(new ModifyListener() {
                public void modifyText(ModifyEvent e) {
                    // Get the value of this property
                    Object editValue = getEditValue(itemPropertyDescriptor, fm);
                    if (editValue != null) {
                        String vt = valueText.getText();
                        if (vt == null || vt.length() == 0) {
                            // if the text is null , un-set the property value.
                            itemPropertyDescriptor.setPropertyValue(fm, null);
                        } else {
                            // set the new value to this property
                            if (!editValue.equals(vt)) {
                                itemPropertyDescriptor.setPropertyValue(fm, vt);
                    } else {
                        // set the new value to this property
                        itemPropertyDescriptor.setPropertyValue(fm, valueText.getText());









Smooks Tools - QuickStart

Smooks Configuration Editor is a tools for Smooks data transform platform , it's a eclipse plug-in base Eclipse.

As far , the tools contains two editors :

1. Smooks configuration file editor , its name is Smooks Configuration Editor.

2. EDI message mapping config file editor , its name is EDI Message Mapping Editor.

This article will introduct the Smooks Configuration Editor simply.

Quick Start

For making your guys to be familiarity with this editor quickly , I will use a "QuickStart" to be the begining of all of the articles. This article will tell peoples how to use the Smooks tools to create/edit the smooks config file of Java-to-Java smooks example.

Download and install

First we need to download the Eclipse and Smooks tools' plug-ins

When finish downloading Eclipse WTP , unzip it to some directory , then unzip the Smook tools zip file , copy the files under ./plugins folder to the Eclipse WTP folder (./eclipse/plugins).

After that we need to download the Smooks1.2.1 from Smooks.org

When we finish the works start up the Eclipse. Select Help -> About Eclipse SDK -> Installation Details -> Plug-in on the menu bar of Eclipses , on the plug-ins' list

we will see there are 3 plug-ins of Smooks tools here:

It means that the Smooks tools install successfully.

New a Java project

We create a new Java project inEclipse and create a libs folder on this new project , then we put all the jars come from Smooks 1.2.1 libraries into this folder and add those JARs to the classpath of the Java project. (Right-click the Java project -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Libraries -> Add JARs... )

Then we need to create all tarnsform target Java files and the input source Java files on this Java project. ( Those Java class files come from the Java-to-Java example of Smooks 1.2.1 , The readers can download them by theirself or download from here directly.)

Mapping Rules

At the begining of working with Smooks tools , we need to understand the Java-to-Java mapping rules of this case :

The transform input Java class : example.sourcemodel.Order , its structure looks like this :

1.Order Class

2.Order class contains a Header class and a List class

3.Header class has customerName,customerNumber,priority these 3 properties.

4.List stores the OrderItem class

5.OrderItem has price,productId,quantity 3 properties.

Let's look at the transform target Java class : LineOrder

Its structure is :

1.LineOrder class contains 'customerId','customerName','priority' 3 properties and a lineItems array。

2.The array lineItems is makeuped with LineItem class.

3.LineItem class has 'productCode','unitPrice','unitQuantity' 3 properties.

Finish overview the structure of transform target and input source, then we will makeup those rules to transform the input source java class to the target java class:

1. Each instance of Order class mapping with a instance of LineOrder class.

2. The value of 'customerName' of the Header class need to assign itself to the 'customerName' property of LineOrder instance.

3. The value of 'customerNumber' of the Header class need to assign itself to the 'customerId' property of LineOrder instance.

4. The value of 'proiority' of the Header class need to assign itself to the 'proiority' property of LineOrder instance.

5.For the orderitems List of Order instance , it need to create a new lineItems array instance for LineOrder , and each OrderItem instance in the orderItems List need to create a LineItem instance , those instances will be put into the lineItems array.

6. The value of 'productId' of OrderItem instance will assign itself to the 'productCode' of LineItem.

7. The value of 'price' of OrderItem instance will assign itself to the 'unitPrice' of LineItem.

8. The value of 'quantity' of OrderItem instance will assign itself to the 'unitQuantity' of LineItem.

Before go to the next section , please read th rules deeply.

New Smooks configuration file

Select the src folder of the Java project we created , right-click and select New -> Other... -> Smooks -> Smooks Configuratin File.

Click Next > , select the folder for the new smooks config file and click Finish button.

We will see the new smooks config file and this file will be opened with Smooks Configuration Editor automatically.

Add the input data

On the bottom of this editor , there are sort of tabs , they are :

Overview, Reader , Message Filter ,Graph , Source

At the first , we need to add the Order class as the input data. Click the Reader tab , swich to the Reader/Input editor page.

At the bottom of this edit page , we can see there is a 'Input data' list , click the Add button to add a Java input data follow the Input data wizard.

Click the Finish , the Order class will be added as a input data.

Add the target Bean

After adding the input data , let's switch to the Message Filter page:

Click the Add button , a wizard page will be shown , let's select the 'Java Binding v1.2 -> Bean v1.2 ' and click OK to add a Bean :

Then we can find on the Message Filter page , a Bean v1.2 item is added , select on it , the right side of the page will show the GUI to edit its properties:

On the "Bean Id" , we input 'lineOrder' as the Bean's id , On the 'Class' UI we click the 'Browse' button , and select the LineOrder as the Bean's class.
(Note : When we input on the Class text control , we can type 'Alt + /' , the content assist pop dialog will be shown , so it's will increase the efficiency. If type 'Alt + /' dosen't work , try to use the 'Ctrl + space' , it's the 'Key Assist' of Eclipse , it's not the same on the different platform.)

Finish this work , Let's click the 'Add Binding' link on the bottom of this page , it will show a dialog to ask us which 'Binding' of the Bean we will add.

Select all and click OK , we can see there is a sort of Binding elements are added under the Bean item:

Let's follow this way , add a Array Bean lineItems and a Bean LineItem.

These two Beans' Class and Id value is :

Array Bean ,BeanId : lineItems , Class : example.trgmodel.LineItem[]

LineItem Bean , BeanId : lineItem , Class : example.trgmodel.LineItem
(Note : In the Smooks , to be a array Bean , the class string value is end with '[]' , it means that this bean is a array type)
Finish this work , use the 'Add Binding' link to add the all bindings for each Bean.

Finally , it looks like this:

We can see there are many 'red cross' on the Binding elements , because we don't set the properties of them perfectly.

Create Mapping

Now let's switch to the Graph page , we will see some figures here:

Let me introduct those figures:

At the left , there is a figure with out header , it's the Order input data we add , now the graph page display it as a tree here.

On the right up-to-down , Bean v1.2 is the Bean elements we added in the Message Filter page , now they are shown on the Graph page , thire sub-figures is thire Bindings element. (please see the last section)

Let's try to select the "Order" node of the left figure , and drag it , we will see on the Graph page , a line is started from the "Order" node , we can drag it to the "Bean v1.2 (lineOrder)" node on the right and drop it , now there is a line between the two nodes.

This line means : When the Smooks runtime meets each 'Order' class instance , it will new a instance describe by the "Bean v1.2 (lineOrder)" model's Class property . We have knew this on the "Mapping Rules" section.

Note : Actually , the Smooks runtime dosen't know the Java instance , all the input data in the Smooks runtime will be transform to XML stream.

Now , let's mapping (link) the nodes of 'Input data' figures to the 'Bean' figure follow with the "Mapping Rules":

1. Each instance of Order class mapping with a instance of LineOrder class.
operations : Link the 'order' of 'Input data' figure with the 'lineOrder' Bean figure.

2. The value of 'customerName' of the Header class need to assign itself to the 'customerName' property of LineOrder instance.

operations : Link the 'customerName' of 'Input data' figure with the 'lineOrder.customerName'

3. The value of 'customerNumber' of the Header class need to assign itself to the 'customerId' property of LineOrder instance.

operations : Link the 'customerNumber' with the 'lineOrder. customerId'

4. The value of 'proiority' of the Header class need to assign itself to the 'proiority' property of LineOrder instance.

operations :Link the 'proiority' with the 'lineOrder. proiority'

5.For the orderitems List of Order instance , it need to create a new lineItems array instance for LineOrder , and each OrderItem instance in the orderItems List need to create a LineItem instance , those instances will be put into the lineItems array.

operations : First , link the 'orderItems' of 'Input data' figure to the 'lineItems' Bean,then link the 'lineOrder.lineItems' to the 'lineItems' Bean , and link the sub-figure of 'lineItems' Bean 'lineItems.LineItem' to the 'lineItem' Bean.

6. The value of 'productId' of OrderItem instance will assign itself to the 'productCode' of LineItem.

operations: Link the 'productId' with the 'lineItem. productCode'.

7. The value of 'price' of OrderItem instance will assign itself to the 'unitPrice' of LineItem.

operations : Link the 'price' with the 'lineItem. unitPrice'.

8. The value of 'quantity' of OrderItem instance will assign itself to the 'unitQuantity' of LineItem.

operations : Link the 'quantity' with the 'lineItem. unitQuantity'.

Finally , we will get this picture :

And now , we need to return to the Message Filter page , select on the Bean v1.2(lineItems) node , remove its property value (keep it to be empty ) , because it's array , so it can't have the property value.

The mapping works was finished , but there are little works we don't do.

Go to the Message Filter page , we need to set some 'Type' mapping for some 'Binding':

1.lineItem.unitPrice ,select on the node,Input 'BigDecimal' to Decoder property .

2.lineItem.unitQuantity , select on the node,Input 'Integer' to Decoder property .

3.lineOrder.priority , select on the node,right-click ,choose : 'Add Smooks Resource -> Decod Param Type',add four Decod Param.

And for these four Decod Param , their 'Name' and 'Value' is :

enumType :example.trgmodel.LineOrderPriority




Save the file , as far , our mapping work was finished.

Run the test case

Open the Main.java ( you have downloaded it when you start this article) , run it to test.


SWT/RCP 程序全屏


如果你不知道Eclipse Summer的代码中添加了一个很棒的功能:SWT全屏模式(仅仅只是针对3.4版本,3.3或更早版本不支持),没有棘手的API,仅仅是一个getter/setter 方法:Shell.setFullScreen(true)



